Note 5

Segment reporting
The division into business areas reflects Addtech’s internal organisation and reporting system. Addtech reports its business areas as operating segments. Addtech is organised into the following five business areas: Automation, Components, Energy, Industrial Process and Power Solutions.

Automation markets and sells intelligent solutions, subsystems and components to, for example, industrial automation and infrastructure, including solutions for robotics, control systems, sensors, industrial networks and communication networks.

Components markets and sells components and sub-systems within mechanics, electromechanics, hydraulics and electronics. Customers mainly operate within the Nordic manufacturing industry

Energy markets and sells products for the transmission and distribution of electricity, as well as products in the areas of electrical safety, electrical installation and connection technology. Its customers mainly operate in the energy and electrical installation market via specifiers and electricity wholesalers.

Industrial Process
Industrial Process markets and sells solutions, sub-systems and components, often under proprietary brands, helping optimise industrial processes and flows. Customers operate mainly in the northern European manufacturing and processing industries.

Power Solutions
Power Solutions develops, markets and sells components and systems solutions that safeguard power supply, as well as steering and controlling movements or energy flows. Customers operate mainly within special vehicles, energy, electronics and telecom. The business area has strong proprietary brands and niche production.

Data by operating segment 2019/2020 2018/2019
Net sales External Internal Total External Internal Total
Automation 2,421 4 2,425 1,942 4 1,946
Components 2,079 3 2,082 1,957 3 1,960
Energy 2,409 3 2,412 2,356 1 2,357
Industrial Process 3,199 5 3,204 2,298 7 2,305
Power Solutions 1,627 3 1,630 1,595 2 1,597
Parent Company and Group items - -18 -18 - -17 -17
TOTAL 11,735 0 11,735 10,148 0 10,148
2019/2020 2018/2019
Operating profit/loss, assets and liabilities Operating profit /loss Assets 1) Liabilities 1) Operating profit /loss Assets 1) Liabilities 1)
Automation 214 1,742 483 146 1,363 311
Components 182 1,381 485 191 1,173 302
Energy 232 1,686 547 196 1,550 405
Industrial Process 414 1,831 736 198 1,372 504
Power Solutions 202 1,216 305 194 1,083 245
Parent Company and Group items -83 650 2,874 -15 504 2,758
Operating profit/loss, assets and liabilities 1,161 8,506 5,430 910 7,045 4,525
Finance income and expenses -56 -45
Profit after financial items 1,105 865
1) Does not include balances in Group accounts or financial transactions with Group companies.
Investments in non-current assets Intangible 1) Property, plant and equipment 1) Total Intangible 1) Property, plant and equipment 1) Total
Automation 2 6 8 1 5 6
Components 0 13 13 - 15 15
Energy 1 20 21 0 12 12
Industrial Process 10 28 38 2 25 27
Power Solutions 1 18 19 1 12 13
Parent Company and Group Items 6 1 7 2 1 3
TOTAL 20 86 106 6 70 76
1) The amounts do not include the effects from acquisitions.
2019/2020 2018/2019
Depreciation/amortisation of non-current assets Intangible Property, plant and equipment Total Intangible Property, plant and equipment Total
Automation -53 -32 -85 -46 -5 -51
Components -36 -48 -84 -28 -8 -36
Energy -51 -42 -93 -49 -12 -61
Industrial Process -32 -54 -86 -20 -15 -35
Power Solutions -30 -27 -57 -30 -11 -41
Parent Company and Group Items -1 -12 -13 0 -2 -2
TOTAL -203 -215 -418 -173 -53 -226
Significant profit or loss items, other than depreciation or amortisation, not matched by payments in 2015/2016 Capital gains Change in pension liability Other items Total
Automation 0 2 -65 -63
Components 0 3 10 13
Energy -1 0 -8 -9
Industrial Process 0 - 15 15
Power Solutions - 0 -5 -5
Parent Company and Group Items - -3 -12 -15
TOTAL -1 2 -65 -64
2019/2020 2018/2019
Data by country Net sales, external Assets 1) Of which non-current assets Net sales, external Assets 1) Of which non-current assets
Sweden 3,112 2,952 1,485 3,085 2,630 1,260
Denmark 1,779 1,579 757 1,528 1,358 620
Finland 1,507 1,165 633 1,221 864 369
Norway 1,869 1,076 527 1,584 1,035 521
Other countries 3,468 1,409 753 2,730 942 453
Parent Company, Group items and unallocated assets 325 21 216 0
TOTAL 11,735 8,506 4,176 10,148 7,045 3,223
1) Does not include Group account balances and financial assets. External net sales are based on the customers' location, and the carrying amounts of assets are based on where the assets are located.
2019/2020 2018/2019
Investments in non-current assets Intangible Property, plant and equipent Total Intangible Property, plant and equipent Total
Sweden 8 23 31 3 27 30
Denmark 1 7 8 0 3 3
Finland 9 24 33 2 22 24
Norway 0 5 5 0 6 6
Other countries 2 27 29 1 12 13
Total 20 86 106 6 70 76

The Group has no single customer from whom income accounts for 10 percent of total revenue, for which reason there is no related reporting.