Addtech Life Science

Net sales for Addtech Life Science were SEK 1,002 million (884), which is a 13 percent increase. Operating profit amounted to SEK 98 million (90). The business area displayed stable development during the financial year, which, combined with an implemented acquisition, produced an increase in both sales and profit. Demand from the Nordic healthcare sector for diagnostic equipment and reagents was sound right through the year. The market for equipment to Nordic healthcare laboratories and research laboratories continued to grow throughout the year. With higher systems sales, the business situation for measuring and analysis instruments to Nordic process industries was reinforced during the year.

During the fourth quarter, however, demand was more hesitant in certain customer segments compared to earlier in the financial year.

The business area made one acquisiton during the the year: BioNordika Holdning AB.

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Addtech Life Science
2011/2012 2010/2011
Revenue, SEKm 1,002 884
Operating profit, SEKm 98 90
Operating margin, % 9.8 10.2
Working capital, SEKm 121 116
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 81 78
Investments in property, plant and equipment, SEKm 14 14
Average number of employees 299 280