Addtech Industrial Solutions

Net sales in Addtech Industrial Solutions increased by 17 percent to SEK 1,830 million (1,567). Operating profit climbed to SEK 163 million (128). For the full financial year, demand from manufacturing companies displayed positive development, particularly during the first six months. During the second half of the year, demand was stable on the whole, despite the greater caution shown by several customers in Sweden. In general, the markets outside the Nordic countries continued to grow. Favourable development was noted in the vehicle industry and medical technology customer segments as well as for automation solutions and machinery components. Demand for electric motor solutions was strong at the start of the year, but stagnated slightly during the final two quarters. The business situation in the telecom segment and the wood products and paper industry was more subdued.

Sales of products made of polymeric materials in the Danish market prevailed at the same level as during the preceding year, while demand for aftermarket products to the energy segment grew well throughout the financial year.

One acquisition was made in the business area during the year: Ramström Transmission AB.

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Addtech Industrial Solutions
2011/2012 2010/2011
Revenue, SEKm 1,830 1,567
Operating profit, SEKm 163 128
Operating margin, % 8.9 8.2
Working capital, SEKm 366 305
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 44 42
Investments in property, plant and equipment, SEKm 8 11
Average number of employees 630 575