Addtech Energy & Equipment

Net sales in Addtech Energy & Equipment totalled SEK 1,133 million (851), which is an increase of 33 percent. Operating profit amounted to SEK 128 million (91). Demand was good in the business area during the financial year, which, combined with implemented acquisitions, produced a significant increase in both sales and profit. During the fourth quarter, the market was generally somewhat more hesitant, and growth in demand slowed down slightly compared to earlier in the year. The business situation for industrial battery solutions was stable during the year. Demand for niche products in electrical power distribution and for electrical safety products and electrical installation materials remained robust at a high level throughout the year. Demand for equipment and consumables for the manufacturing industry was sound during most of the year, but some stagnation was noted during the final quarter.

The business area acquired three companies during the year: Elteco AS, Trinergi AB and Maxeta AS.

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Addtech Energy & Equipment
2011/2012 2010/2011
Revenue, SEKm 1,133 851
Operating profit, SEKm 128 91
Operating margin, % 11.3 10.7
Working capital, SEKm 178 134
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 72 68
Investments in property, plant and equipment, SEKm 5 2
Average number of employees 334 273