Employees, environment and development


At the end of the period, the number of employees was 1,700, compared to 1,512 at the beginning of the financial year. The year's acquisitions and disposals increased the number of employees by 155 (163). The average number of employees during the latest 12-month period was 1,612 (1,445). The increase in the number of employees during the year is a result of several subsidiaries seeing a need to reinforce their organisations to boost growth in the various niches in which the companies operate.

Read more about our employees on the company´s website at www.addtech.com/employees

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2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010
Average number of employees 1,612 1,445 1,335
proportion of men 72 % 72 % 70 %
proportion of women 28 % 28 % 30 %
Age distribution
-up to 29 years old 7 % 8 % 9 %
30-49 years 60 % 60 % 61 %
50 and older 33 % 32 % 30 %
Average age 45 years 44 years 44 years
Personnel turnover (adjusted as a result of programmes of measures and disposals) 10 % 13 % 12 %
Average length of employment about 11 years about 11 years about 11 years

Environment and sustainable development

Active environmental efforts are made in the Group with the aim of reducing the Group's impact on the environment. The main business of Group companies consists of technology trading, so the environmental footprint of our own operations is limited. The combined environmental impact of the products that our companies provide also includes production operations at our suppliers, the transport of products and the way in which our customers use the products. We therefore take the entire lifecycle of our operations into account in the improvement work performed on a continual basis in the Group. Each company performs this work locally based on its specific circumstances.

In the Group, 41 companies (36) have earned ISO 14001 or equivalent certification. The Group conducts operations requiring notification under the Swedish Environmental Code in five subsidiaries and operations requiring a permit under this Code in three subsidiaries. Together these businesses account for about nine (9) percent of consolidated net sales.

No Group companies have been fined for environmental offences or are involved in any environment-related disputes.

During the financial year the Group continued to conduct more active sustainability work than in the past. This work started in 2010/2011 and we are now publishing our second sustainability report. This reporting complies with Application Level C of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In the preceding financial year we updated our Group-wide Code of Conduct, which includes all important points in the areas of the environment, human rights, working terms and conditions, and corruption. The code is based on the UN's Global Compact, ILO's Core Conventions, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and it is aimed at our operations and those of our suppliers.

Read more about Addtech's sustainability work in the section 'The Business/Addtech's CSR work.' 

Research and development

The Addtech Group conducts limited research and development. The Group's business model includes continuous dialogue with and feedback to the Group's suppliers, who conduct most of the R&D that is relevant to the Group's product range.