our role in society
Addtech also creates value at society level. We create jobs, advance the development of competitiveness in value-adding technology trading and contribute via tax payments.
Addtech’s companies have strong local roots and their operations are often based in small towns. When it comes to acquisitions, we therefore seek to remain in those locations, and todevelop the skills that exist there. Our aim is contribute to strengthening the community in which we operate by pursuing an invigorating and long-term policy in our business activities. We strive to recruit new employees locally and to offer jobs to young people. We want to create the right conditions for local growth by means of active and constructive dialogue with the local community.
Another aim is that our products and technical solutions should play a part in increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption for our customers. In line with Addtech’s corporate culture of decentralised responsibility, our social engagement is carried out at our companies. Our Group companies are themselves responsible for taking their environment into account and maintaining a constructive dialogue with the surrounding community.
We play our part in and contribute to our common prosperity via employer’s social welfare contributions and taxes. In every country where operate, that country’s tax legislation and regulations shall be observed. Profit before tax amounted to SEK 580 million and the income tax amounted to SEK 130 million, corresponding to just above 22 percent.