Sustainability is an important part of our strategy and the aim is that sustainability should be taken into account in all strategic decisions within the organisation. We have divided our sustainability work into three categories: economic, social and environmental value added. In each area, we have a number of strategies, policies and objectives.


Addtech’s vision is to be a leading value-adding tech provider. To achieve our vision and develop our business in the long term, we strive to conduct our operations in a sustainable way. Addtech aims for constant improvement in our offering to customers, our cooperation with suppliers and our internal way of working and organisation. A critical aspect of this is to meet the market’s requirements for greater sustainability and responsible action in terms of economic, environmental and social value creation. To us and our customers, suppliers and employees, sustainability is about balancing economic success, environmental issues and social development for the benefit of our stakeholders. We must meet our stakeholders’ demands and expectations for sustainability and pursue a policy of sustainable business development.


Addtech’s sustainability work is in the first instance governed by our Code of Conduct. Addtech’s Board of Directors, via Group management, is ultimately responsible for the Group’s sustainability work. Group management determines long-term overarching goals in important areas. These are supplemented by goals and action plans developed by each business area for their companies.

In line with our well-established corporate culture, our operational sustainability work is driven via a system of decentralised responsibilities in our companies. An important success factor to us is “small scale approach on a large scale”, through a combination of the flexibility, personality and efficiency of a small company with the resources, networks and staying-power of a large one. Freedom with responsibility is the core principle that applies to all processes throughout the organisation. Each company has the potential to grow and develop its operations in our business model and framework. Addtech does not micromanage its companies and instead exercises active ownership through its Board of Directors and follow-up.

Our CSR council, with employees representing the different business areas, bears responsibility for continuous development of Group-wide tools and processes for sustainability work and for disseminating the same for use within the Group companies. Our ethical guidelines are summarised in our Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

Addtech’s Code of Conduct

Addtech’s Code of Conduct is a foundation for our sustainability work and an integral part of the organisation. Our Code of Conduct, taken together with our core values (simplicity, efficiency, change, responsibility & freedom), is the basis on which we do business, perform and act in our day-to-day work and in our relationships with the world around us. The Code includes all major issues in human rights, working conditions, corruption, equal opportunity and diversity. The Code is based on the UN’s Global Compact, ILO’s Core Conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and applies to all companies and all employees.

During 2016/2017, we further developed the Code of Conduct by clarifying guidelines for our own operations and employees, as well as guidelines for our suppliers.

The Codes of Conduct have been adopted by the Board of Directors and are available on our website at . They are also readily accessible to all our employees on the Company’s intranet. During 2017/2018, we will continue with the implementation of our updated Codes of Conduct, both within our own operations and at our suppliers.


Addtech actively assesses its own operations and those of its suppliers. Every year, our companies report on their own sustainability work and on the results of supplier reviews performed. When failures are identified, the companies take the appropriate actions with the support of the Group. Follow-up is performed and actions taken at company, business area and Group level. 

Latest updated: 7/10/2017 2:01:03 PM by