- Avkastning på eget kapital²
- Earnings after tax divided by equity. The components are calculated as the average of the last 12 months.
- Avkastning på rörelsekapital (R/RK)¹
- EBITA divided by working capital.
- Avkastning på sysselsatt kapital
- Profit before tax plus financial expenses as a percentage of capital employed. The components are calculated as the average of the last 12 months.
- Operating profit before amortisation of intangible assets.
- EBITA-marginal
- EBITA as a percentage of net sales.
- Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation.
- Eget kapital per aktie
- Equity divided by number of shares outstanding at the reporting period's end.
- Finansiell nettoskuld
- The net of interest-bearing debt and provisions minus cash and cash equivalents.
- Finansiell nettoskuld/EBITDA
- Financial net liabilities divided by EBITDA.
- Kassaflöde från den löpande verksamheten per aktie
- Cash flow from operating activities, divided by the average number of outstanding shares after repurchase.
- Nettoskuldsättningsgrad, exklusive pensioner²
- Net debt excluding pensions divided by shareholders' equity.
- Personalomsättning
- Number of employees who left during the year, in relation to the average number of employees.
- Räntetäckningsgrad
- Profit after net financial items plus financial expenses divided by financial expenses.
- Rörelsekapital (RK)¹
- Working capital is measured through an annual average defined as inventories plus accounts receivable less accounts payable.
- Rörelsemarginal
- Operating profit as a percentage of net sales.
- Soliditet²
- Equity as a percentage of total assets.
- Skuldsättningsgrad²
- Financial net liabilities divided by equity.
- Sysselsatt kapital
- Total assets minus non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions.
- Utestående antal aktier
- Total number of shares less treasury shares repurchased by the Company.
- Resultat per aktie
- Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding.
- Resultat per aktie efter utspädning
Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding, adjusted for additional shares from the exercise of outstanding personnel options or similar programmes.
¹The performance measure is an alternative performance measure according to ESMA’s guidelines.
²Minority interest is included in equity when the performance measures are calculated.