Sustainable development at Addtech

At Addtech we aim to continue to create value for our shareholders, employees, society and the environment. We summarise it into three categories - added Economic, Social and Environmental value.

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Added economic value

Economic strength is a cornerstone for investing in sustainable development, and Addtech is dedicated to ensuring that we are both competitive and cost-efficient. In a constantly changing world, companies must develop to survive in the long term. Addtech's overall vision is to be the leader in value-added technology trading through clearly defined growth, profitability and development requirements. These concepts are thus fundamental to Addtech's sustainability work.

Added social value

A fundamental factor in Addtech's sustainable development is taking account of all the people affected by our operations. This includes our customers, suppliers, employees, collaboration partners and the communities in which we operate. In order to sustain our good reputation, Addtech shall maintain high quality and ethics in all of its undertakings. A substantial part of our subsidiaries' success derives from sound relationships with the community and mutual trust and commitment. Group subsidiaries decide themselves on the type and extent of activities in which to participate. This is in harmony with Addtech's decentralised business model. We believe that our subsidiaries are most apt to determine when and how the Group should provide its support.

Addtech's subsidiaries strive to be attractive employers and to provide their employees with sound personal development opportunities. In order to identify areas of improvement, we conduct for instance employee surveys that then form the basis of skills development and business acumen in the Group. Addtech knows the importance of safeguarding our most important resource - our staff. Addtech's Code of Conduct acts as a compass for each employee and our suppliers are encouraged to work in line with it.  

Added environmental value

Around half of the electricity used in the Group comes from renewable sources. Our goal is to constantly increase this proportion. The Group's companies are primarily engaged in technology trading, so the operations have a limited direct impact on the environment. We continually work with improvement measures in the areas where we ourselves can make a difference. Our indirect environmental impact rests with our suppliers. We hope that supplier surveys will provide a better overview of how our suppliers work with CSR matters and encourage them to change for the better.

The Addtech Group's environmental policy has formed part of our Code of Conduct for four years, and expresses our intention to shoulder our part of the responsibility of improving the environment and working to promote lasting sustainable development. We work proactively to continually reduce the Group's direct and indirect environmental impact. Ecocycle thinking and conservation of natural resources must form an important starting point for the Group's business operations. Important decisions shall take due account of environmental consequences in order to create long-term value for the Group's customers, employees, shareholders and society at large. Environmental activities shall be conducted within the scope of our business concept and be closely integrated into operational activities. This implies that in the long term the whole lifecycle of the products and services we provide shall be taken into account. We can maintain a holistic view of environmental issues through a high level of competence among our employees and by constantly developing our knowledge of environmental consequences.

Environmental conservation measures shall be implemented to the extent they are technically feasible, reasonable in terms of business economics and environmentally justified. Suppliers are encouraged to operate in line with our environmental policy. Suppliers shall also be familiar with and comply with requirements defined by national legislation, statutes and industry standards. Suppliers shall as a minimum requirement operate a secure system for management of hazardous materials and waste.

Latest updated: 7/14/2015 9:42:35 AM by