Interim report 1 April - 31 DECEMBER 2018


  • Net sales increased by 26 percent and amounted to SEK 2,551 million (2,030).
  • Operating profit before amortisation of intangible non-current assets (EBITA) increased by 29 percent and amounted to SEK 246 million (190) corresponding to an EBITA margin of 9.7 percent (9.4). 
  • Operating profit increased by 31 percent and amounted to SEK 203 million (155) corresponding to an operating margin of 7.9 percent (7.7).
  • Profit after tax increased by 36 percent and amounted to SEK 156 million (115) and earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 2.25 (1.70). 


  • Net sales increased by 23 percent and amounted to SEK 7,284 million (5,901).
  • Operating profit before amortisation of intangible non-current assets (EBITA) increased by 26 percent and amounted to SEK 776 million (617 including items affecting comparability of SEK +12 million) corresponding to an EBITA margin of 10.7 percent (10.5). 
  • Operating profit increased by 26 percent and amounted to SEK 650 million (517) corresponding to an operating margin of 8.9 percent (8.8).
  • Profit after tax increased by 25 percent and amounted to SEK 492 million (393) and earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 7.20 (5.75).
  • Return on working capital (P/WC) amounted to 53 percent (53) and return on equity amounted to 29 percent (29).
  • The equity ratio amounted to 35 percent (36).
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 320 million (388).
  • Fourteen acquisitions have been completed since the start of the financial year with total annual sales of about SEK 960 million.

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GROUP SUMMARY 3 months   9 months   Rolling 12 months    
SEKm 31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2017   31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2017   31 Dec 2018 31 Mar 2018    
Net sales 2,551 2,030 26%   7,284 5,901 23%   9,405 8,022 17%    
EBITA 246 190 29%   776 617 26%   997 838 19%    
EBITA margin, % 9.7 9.4     10.7 10.5     10.6 10.5      
Profit after financial items 193 147 31%   619 497 25%   787 665 18%    
Profit for the period 156 115 36%   492 393 25%   625 526 19%    
Earnings per share before dilution, SEK 2.25 1.70 32%   7.20 5.75 25%   9.15 7.70 19%    
Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 2.30 1.65 39%   7.20 5.70 26%   9.15 7.65 20%    
Cash flow from operating activities per share, SEK - -     - -     7.05 8.05      
Return on equity, % 29 29     29 29     29 28      
Equity ratio, % 35 36     35 36     35 39      
Comparisons in parentheses refer to the corresponding period of the previous year, unless stated otherwise.      
Latest updated: 2/6/2019 6:25:27 PM by