

Addtech’s vision is to be the leading value-adding tech provider. The vision entails a long-term focus on developing the business by constantly being a value-adding knowledge provider. To achieve that vision we must run our business sustainably. Addtech aims to meet the sustainability requirements and expectations set by customers, shareholders and employees and to promote sustainable technological development.

The Group’s sustainability work involves Addtech taking long-term responsibility for the sustainable development of employees, the environment and profitability. Global and local requirements to reduce emissions and increase sustainability in society are turning sustainable products and solutions into a means of competition in the technology trading market. Addtech strives to be a better choice than the competitors and actively works to meet this demand. We do so through our subsidiaries, which are dedicated to meeting this demand by developing and offering solutions that increase our customers’ energy efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. Our subsidiaries already provide technical value creation that reduces customers’ energy consumption and makes them more sustainable. By continuing to develop sustainable solutions for our customers we increase our competitiveness while also contributing to a sustainable society.

Addtech’s subsidiaries have extensive experience with meeting market requirements regarding quality and environmental certifications, and sustainability is a strategic issue within the Group. Addtech has a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Council composed of representatives from its different business areas. The purpose of the Council is to plan and decide on activities that contribute to strategic sustainability thinking in areas concerning working conditions, the environment and ethics.

As part of the Group’s sustainability efforts, all subsidiaries have adopted our Code of Conduct, and Addtech publishes an annual sustainability report according to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines application level C and requires supplier audits. A Group-wide employee survey has been implemented, which in turn led to the introduction of regular employee performance appraisals and leadership adapted to the situation.

Addtech’s corporate structure and operations, with over 120 subsidiaries, present a challenge in terms of achieving rapid results in sustainability work, since many units have to introduce completely or partially new processes. The work paves the way for more attractive customer offerings, greater cost reductions and improved quality and HR measures. 

Sustainable development that creates value

Addtech’s aim is to create value for its five stakeholders: customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and society. The Company’s stakeholder analysis showed that the highest priority issues were financial performance, business ethics, occupational health and safety and energy consumption. We pursue our sustainability initiatives based on these areas and classify them into three categories: financial, social and environmental value.

  • Added financial value. Financial strength is a cornerstone of our ability to invest in sustainable development, and Addtech is dedicated to ensuring that we are both competitive and cost-efficient. 
  • Added social value. A key factor in Addtech’s sustainable development is that we take account of all the people affected by our business. This includes our customers, suppliers, employees, business partners and the communities in which we operate. Addtech’s Code of Conduct provides guidance for our employees, and our suppliers are encouraged to work in line with it.
  • Added environmental value. Nearly half of the electricity used in the Group comes from renewable sources. Addtech’s goal is to constantly increase this proportion. The Group’s companies are primarily involved in technology trading, and therefore our operations have a limited direct environmental impact. The Group continuously works to make improvements in those areas where we can make a difference.

Code of Conduct

Addtech’s sustainability work is based on the Group’s Code of Conduct. The central concepts of our Code of Conduct are the environment, ethics and a moral approach and these have long been part of the Group’s operations. The Code applies not only to all employees in our own operations but also to our relationship with our suppliers of products and services. We aim for our subsidiaries to work with suppliers towards achieving positive change. The Addtech Group’s Code of Conduct is based on the UN’s Global Compact, ILO’s Core Conventions, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.



The sustainability report is an important part of the sustainability work of the Addtech Group as it focuses on these issues so that employees, shareholders and other stakeholders are given the opportunity to take part of the development of the CSR work. The reports are the basis for the Group's further development in CSR. Some of the topics presented are the Group's energy consumption, carbon footprint, employee turnover, and employee occupational health and safety. This year's sustainability report meets the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) requirements at application level C of the GRI G3. During the year 2016/2017, the transition to the GRI G4 has begun.


  • Addtech employees are absolutely crucial for our success. A good corporate culture lays the foundation for job satisfaction, low absence, good relationships and low staff turnover. Addtech is, and should be, a company where work and private life can be balanced. Employee surveys are conducted regularly to ensure a favourable work environment. Group Management and managers attach great importance to the information from the employee survey and are working on making changes based on the results. Addtech strives to achieve a working environment that promotes health and wellness. Based on the most recent employee survey, the Group has identified areas for improvement and carried out initiatives where there was potential to improve working conditions or the work environment, both in the individual subsidiaries and at the Group level. Additional employee surveys and initiatives in this area will be carried out in 2016.

  • Suppliers are an important stakeholder group in Addtech’s sustainability efforts. An analysis of suppliers' sustainability and relationship to Addtech’s Code of Conduct has continued during the year and efforts to obtain more responses continue. No significant inadequacies have emerged among the suppliers to date. During the year more companies participated in the supplier evaluation and additional companies will be channelled into this evaluation during the financial year 2016/2017. The goal is that the dialogue with suppliers will strengthen their sustainability work and motivate them to integrate it into their business models so that we can add value together in the same direction.

Read more in the sustainability report for 2015/2016 at

Latest updated: 7/1/2016 11:52:13 AM by