- Aktiens omsättningshastighet
- Total trading volume divided by the average number of Class B shares outstanding during the financial year.
- Avkastning på eget kapital
- Profit after tax attributable to shareholders, as a percentage of shareholders' proportion of average equity.
- Avkastning på rörelsekapital (R/RK)
- Operating profit in relation to average working capital.
- Avkastning på sysselsatt kapital
- Profit after net financial items, plus interest expenses +/- exchange differences, as a percentage of average capital employed.
- Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.
- Eget kapital per aktie
- Shareholders' proportion of equity divided by number of shares outstanding at the reporting period's end.
- Finansiell nettoskuld
- Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions, less cash and cash equivalents.
- Finansiell nettoskuld/EBITDA
- Financial net liabilities divided by EBITDA.
- Kassaflöde per aktie
- Cash flow from operating activities, divided by the average number of shares.
- Nettoskuldsättningsgrad
- Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions, excluding pension provisions, in relation to shareholders’ equity.
- Personalomsättning
- Number of employees who left during the year, in relation to the average number of employees.
- Räntetäckningsgrad
- Profit after net financial items, plus interest expense, +/- exchange differences in relation to interest expense.
- Rörelsekapital
- Sum of inventories and accounts receivable, less accounts payable. Average working capital for the year is used to calculate return on working capital (P/WC).
- Rörelsemarginal
- Operating profit as a percentage of net sales.
- Soliditet
- Equity as a percentage of total assets.
- Skuldsättningsgrad
- Financial net liabilities in relation to shareholder's equity.
- Sysselsatt kapital
- Total assets, less non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions.
- Utestående antal aktier
- Total number of shares less treasury shares repurchased by the Company.
- Resultat per aktie
- Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding.
- Resultat per aktie efter utspädning
- Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding, adjusted for additional shares from the exercise of outstanding personnel options or similar programmes.
- Vinstmarginal
- Profit after net financial items as a percentage of net sales.