Parent company income statement

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  3 months   6 months   Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018
Net sales 15 13   30 27   61 58
Administrative expenses -20 -18   -45 -35   -81 -71
Operating profit/loss -5 -5   -15 -8   -20 -13
Profit from interests in Group companies - -   - -   258 258
Interest income and expenses and similar items 13 -2   4 2   4 2
Profit after financial items 8 -7   -11 -6   242 247
Appropriations - -   - -   -14 -14
Profit before taxes 8 -7   -11 -6   228 233
Income tax expense -2 1   2 1   -51 -52
Profit for the period 6 -6   -9 -5   177 181
Total comprehensive income 6 -6   -9 -5   177 181

Parent company balance sheet

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SEKm   30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017 31 Mar 2018
Property, plant and equipment   1 2 2
Non-current financial assets   3,052 2,444 2,696
Total non-current assets   3,053 2,446 2,698
Current receivables   201 173 461
Cash and bank balances   - - -
Total current assets   201 173 461
Total assets   3,254 2,619 3,159
Equity   431 544 741
Untaxed reserves   431 417 431
Provisions   15 15 15
Non-current liabilities   741 307 591
Current liabilities   1,636 1,336 1,381
Total equity and liabilities   3,254 2,619 3,159
Latest updated: 10/24/2018 6:04:11 PM by