Consolidated income statement, condensed

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  3 months   6 months   Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018
Net sales 2,338 1,892   4,733 3,871   8,884 8,022
Cost of sales -1,615 -1,309   -3,265 -2,667   -6,120 -5,522
Gross profit 723 583   1,468 1,204   2,764 2,500
Selling expenses -378 -300   -773 -636   -1,501 -1,364
Administrative expenses -126 -100   -259 -210   -504 -455
Other operating income and expenses 7 -2   11 4   27 20
Operating profit 226 181   447 362   786 701
- as % of net sales 9.7 9.6   9.5 9.4   8.9 8.7
Financial income and expenses -5 -8   -21 -12   -45 -36
Profit after financial items 221 173   426 350   741 665
- as % of net sales 9.5 9.1   9.0 9.0   8.4 8.3
Income tax expense -47 -38   -90 -72   -157 -139
Profit for the period 174 135   336 278   584 526
Profit for the period attributable to:                
Equity holders of the Parent Company 172 132   331 272   573 514
Non-controlling interests 2 3   5 6   11 12
Earnings per share before dilution, SEK 2.60 1.95   4.95 4.05   8.60 7.70
Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 2.55 1.95   4.90 4.05   8.50 7.65
Average number of shares after repurchases, ’000s 67,110 67,006   67,082 66,966   67,008 66,950
Number of shares at end of the period, ’000s 66,969 66,863   66,969 66,863   66,969 66,992


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

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  3 months   6 months   Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018
Profit for the period 174 135   336 278   584 526
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss                
Cash flow hedges -1 -1   -1 -1   0 0
Foreign currency translation differences for the period -40 10   10 -10   135 115
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss                
Actuarial effects of the net pension obligation -18 -   -18 -   -25 -7
Other comprehensive income -59 9   -9 -11   110 108
Total comprehensive income 115 144   327 267   694 634
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                
Equity holders of the Parent Company 113 142   322 262   679 619
Non-controlling interests 2 2   5 5   15 15

Consolidated balance sheet, condensed

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SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017 31 Mar 2018
Goodwill 1,736 1,201 1,456
Other intangible non-current assets 1,223 831 1,007
Property, plant and equipment 253 186 207
Financial non-current assets 47 30 32
Total non-current assets 3,259 2,248 2,702
Inventories 1,289 1,020 1,118
Current receivables 1,778 1,421 1,507
Cash and cash equivalents 246 166 192
Total current assets 3,313 2,607 2,817
Total assets 6,572 4,855 5,519
Total equity 2,150 1,759 2,131
Interest-bearing provisions 252 218 229
Non-interest-bearing provisions 361 282 322
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 762 256 411
Non-current non-interest-bearing liabilities 11 13 11
Total non-current liabilities 1,386 769 973
Non-interest-bearing provisions 26 49 31
Current interest-bearing liabilities 1,437 1,045 958
Current non-interest-bearing liabilities 1,573 1,233 1,426
Total current liabilities 3,036 2,327 2,415
Total equity and liabilities 6,572 4,855 5,519


Consolidated statement of changes in equity, condensed

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SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017 31 Mar 2018
Opening balance 2,131 1,741 1,741
Exercised, issued and repurchased options 7 21 31
Repurchase of treasury shares -38 -31 -31
Dividend, ordinary -269 -235 -235
Dividend, non-controlling interests -6 -4 -9
Förändring innehav utan bestämmande inflytande -2 - -
Total comprehensive income 327 267 634
Closing balance 2,150 1,759 2,131

Consolidated cash flow statement, condensed

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  3 months   6 months   Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 30 Sep 2017   30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018
Profit after financial items 221 173   426 350   741 665
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 25 50   94 83   170 159
Income tax paid -59 -39   -86 -67   -188 -169
Changes in working capital -94 -133   -289 -230   -175 -116
Cash flow from operating activities 93 51   145 136   548 539
Net investments in non-current assets -11 -7   -21 -12   -52 -43
Acquisitions and disposals -360 32   -500 -140   -837 -477
Cash flow from investing activities -371 25   -521 -152   -889 -520
Dividend paid to shareholders -269 -235   -269 -235   -269 -235
Repurchase of own shares/change of options -38 -28   -31 -10   -21 0
Other financing activities 616 180   728 256   695 223
Cash flow from financing activities 309 -83   428 11   405 -12
Cash flow for the period 31 -7   52 -5   64 7
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 223 173   192 178   166 178
Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents -8 0   2 -7   16 7
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 246 166   246 166   246 192


Fair values on financial instruments

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  30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018
SEKm Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3 Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3
Derivatives - fair value, hedge instruments 0 0 - 2 2 -
Derivatives - fair value through profit 1 1 - 2 2 -
Total financial assets at fair value per level 1 1 - 4 4 -
Derivatives - fair value, hedge instruments 1 1 - 0 0 -
Derivatives - fair value through profit 3 3 - 5 5 -
Contingent considerations - fair value through profit 248 - 248 215 - 215
Total financial liabilities at fair value per level 252 4 248 220 5 215
The fair value and carrying amount are recognised in the balance sheet as shown in the table above.
For quoted securities, the fair value is determined on the basis of the asset’s quoted price in an active market, level 1. As at the reporting date the Group had no items in this category.
For currency contracts and embedded derivatives, the fair value is determined on the basis of observable market data, level 2.
For contingent considerations, a cash-flow-based valuation is performed, which is not based on observable market data, level 3.
For the Group’s other financial assets and liabilities, fair value is estimated to be the same as the carrying amount.
Contingent considerations 30 Sep 2018   31 Mar 2018    
Opening balance 215     105    
Acquisitions during the year 70     152    
Reversed through profit or loss -2     -9    
Consideration paid -41     -49    
Interest expenses 5     8    
Exchange differences 1     8    
Closing balance 248     215    


Key financial indicators 

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  12 months ending
  30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 30 Sep 2017 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016
Net sales, SEKm 8,884 8,022 7,631 7,178 6,155
EBITDA, SEKm 988 881 822 755 570
EBITA, SEKm 941 838 780 715 536
EBITA-margin, SEKm 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.0 8.7
Operating profit, SEKm 786 701 657 604 443
Operating margin, % 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.4 7.2
Profit after financial items, SEKm 741 665 630 580 423
Profit for the period, SEKm 584 526 494 450 333
Working capital 1,791 1,591 1,469 1,362 1,208
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 53 53 53 53 44
Return on equity, % 29 28 29 28 20
Return on capital employed, % 21 22 23 23 16
Equity ratio, % 33 39 36 39 40
Net debt, incl pensions, SEKm 2,205 1,405 1,353 1,011 822
Net debt, incl pensions / equity ratio, multiple 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6
Net debt, incl pensions / EBITDA, multiple 2.2 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.4
Net debt excl. pensions, SEKm 1,953 1,176 1,135 801 623
Net debt, excl pensions / equity ratio, multiple 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4
Interest coverage ratio, multiple 21.6 22.7 23.9 23.9 20.3
Average number of employees* 2,407 2,283 2,201 2,133 2,386
Number of employees at end of the period 2,654 2,358 2,262 2,176 2,076
* Average number of employees includes discontinued operations in the period 31 March 2016.

Key financial indicators per share 

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  12 months ending
SEK 30 Sep 2018 31 Mar 2018 30 Sep 2017 31 Mar 2017 31 Mar 2016
Earnings per share before dilution 8.60 7.70 7.20 6.60 4.85
Earnings per share after dilution 8.50 7.65 7.15 6.55 4.85
Cash flow from operating activities per share 8.20 8.05 7.10 8.25 7.10
Shareholders’ equity per share 31.40 31.10 25.70 25.45 22.10
Share price at the end of the period 189.60 168.00 163.50 148.50 112.00
Average number of shares after repurchases, ’000s 67,008 66,950 66,841 66,824 66,703
Average number of shares adjusted for repurchases and dilution, ’000s 67,176 67,178 67,055 67,008 66,809
Number of shares outstanding at end of the period, ’000s 66,969 66,992 66,863 66,824 66,958
Latest updated: 10/24/2018 3:14:21 PM by