Note 28 Cash flow statement

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Group Parent Company
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 2011/2012 2010/2011 2011/2012 2010/2011
Depreciation/amortisation 92.8 78.1 0.8 0.8
Gain/loss on sale of operations and non-current assets -1.0 -10.7
Change in pension liability 2.3 6.9 1.0 -0.4
Group contributions/dividends not paid -210.0 -160.0
Change in other provisions and accrued items 2.8 7.3
Other 5.1 1.4
Total 102.0 83.0 -208.2 -159.6

For the Group, interest received during the year totalled SEK 5.4 million (3.6), and interest paid was SEK 13.2 million (6.4). For the Parent Company, interest received during the year was SEK 37.0 million (29.8), and interest paid was SEK 21.5 million (6.2).

The following adjustments were made as a result of the value of assets and liabilities in companies acquired during the year, together with adjustments such as contingent considerations paid for acquisitions made in previous years:

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2011/2012 2010/2011
Non-current assets 273.5 336.9
Inventories 70.6 81.1
Receivables 65.7 98.3
Cash and cash equivalents 33.8 102.4
Total 443.6 618.7
Interest-bearing liabilities and provisions -47.4 -69.3
Non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions -107.0 -169.1
Total -154.4 -238.4
Consideration paid 1) -293.8 -375.2
Cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies 33.9 102.4
Effect on the Group’s cash and cash equivalents -259.9 -272.8
 1) The consideration paid includes a contingent consideration charged to the income statement in the amount of SEK -1.6 million and the purchase of non-controlling interests of SEK -3.0 million.
The following adjustments were made as a result of the value of assets and liabilities in companies disposed of during the year:
2011/2012 2010/2011
Non-current assets -4.0
Inventories -0.1 0.1
Receivables -0.8 -2.0
Cash and cash equivalents -1.2 -0.9
Total -2.1 -6.8
Non-controlling interests 0.7
Capital gain on sold companies -10.0
Non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions 0.7 3.3
Total 1.4 -6.7
Consideration received 0.7 11.5
Cash and cash equivalents in companies disposed of -1.2 -0.9
Effect on the Group’s cash and cash equivalents -0.5 10.6
In the financial year, Electra-Box Pharma AB, a subsidiary of Electra-Box Diagnostica AB, which is included in the Addtech Life Science business area, was disposed of.

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Year’s acquisitions (disposals) of operations
Company Country Acquisition (disposal) date Ownership, % Acquisition (selling) price
Elteco AS Norway 01-04-2011 100 75.5
Trinergi AB Sweden 01-04-2011 100 4.4
Maxeta AS Norway 01-07-2011 100 46.7
Ramström Transmission AB Sweden 01-10-2011 100 12.5
NDC (assets and liabilities) Sweden 15-10-2011 1.5
Rollco Holding AB Sweden 02-01-2012 100 91.3
BioNordika Holding AB Sweden 26-01-2012 100 69.3
(Electra-Box Pharma AB) (Sweden) (30-01-2012) (-52) (-0.7)

All businesses acquired during the year were consolidated in the accounts using the acquisition method.

Cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement consist of cash and bank balances. The same definition applied to determine cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet was applied in the cash flow statement.