Note 6 Employees and employee benefits expense

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  2016/2017 2015/2016
Average number of employees Men Women Total Men Women Total
Parent Company 6 5 11 7 6 13
Other companies 633 190 823 688 255 943
Denmark 200 95 295 238 161 399
Finland 184 61 245 220 118 338
Norway 225 73 298 325 27 352
Other countries 344 117 461 273 68 341
Total 1,592 541 2,133 1,751 635 2,386
Of which discontinued operations 208 224 432
  2016/2017 2015/2016
Salaries and remuneration Senior management of which profit-related remune- ration Other employees Senior management of which profit-related remune- ration Other employees
Parent Company 21 4 4 22 4 7
Other companies 47 5 362 60 6 404
Denmark 23 3 184 26 3 227
Finland 16 2 121 23 3 135
Norway 23 1 176 22 2 184
Other countries 15 2 85 13 2 69
Total 145 17 932 166 20 1,026
Of which discontinued operations 24 3 196
Senior management is defined as Group management, Managing Directors and vice MD’s in Group subsidiaries.

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  Group Parent Company
Salaries, remuneration and social security costs 2016/2017 2015/2016 2016/2017 2015/2016
Salaries and other remuneration 1,077 1,193 25 30
Contractually agreed pensions for senior management 19 24 4 4
Contractual pensions to others 81 128 1 2
Other social security costs 200 197 10 10
Total 1,377 1,542 40 46
Of which discontinued operations - 336 - -
At year-end, outstanding pension commitments to senior management totalled SEK 9 million (9) for the Group and SEK 2 million (2) for the Parent Company. Different accounting policies are applied to pension costs in the Parent Company and the Group (see Note 1 Accounting Policies).
  Group Parent Company
Proportion of women 2017-03-31 2016-03-31 2017-03-31 2016-03-31
Board of Directors (not including alternates) 4% 4% 29% 29%
Other members of senior management 14% 16% 17% 17%


Preparation and decision-making process for remuneration to the Board of Directors, CEO and Group management

The guidelines applied in the 2016/2017 financial year for remuneration to senior management correspond to those in the proposal for the coming year included in the administration report. The principle for remuneration to the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Group management is that remuneration should be competitive. The nomination committee proposes Board fees to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Board fees are paid based on a resolution of the AGM.
No separate fees are paid for committee work.

For remuneration to the CEO, members of Group management and other members of senior management in the Group, the Board of Directors has appointed a remuneration committee consisting of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, with the CEO as the reporting member. A fixed salary, variable remuneration and conventional employment benefits are paid to the CEO, Group management and other members of senior management. In addition, pension benefits and incentive programmes apply, as described below. The remuneration committee adheres to the guidelines for remuneration to senior management approved by Addtech AB's AGM.

Personnel options for members of senior management

Scheme 2016/2020

The 2016 AGM resolved to approve an incentive scheme for senior management and a selected number of senior executives of the Addtech Group who are directly able to have an impact on the Group’s financial performance. The scheme consists of call options for shares repurchased by Addtech, where each call option carries the right to acquire a repurchased Class B share. Members of the Board of Directors have not had the right to purchase call options, with the exception of the CEO. Similar call option schemes for senior management and a selected number of senior executives in the Addtech Group were resolved by the AGMs from 2009 to 2015.

The call options are freely transferable as financial instruments. In order to encourage participation in the scheme, a subsidy will be paid corresponding to the premium paid for each call option. This subsidy will be paid two years following the AGM, providing that the option holder’s employment with the Group has not been terminated and that the call options have not been disposed of prior to this point. Scheme expenses consist of the subsidy plus social security costs. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company receives on transferring the call options, for which reason the scheme will not involve any net charge to the Company’s equity.

The allotment as resolved by the 2016 Annual General Meeting included 20 senior executives and a total of 300,000 call options, corresponding to 0.4 percent of the total number of shares and approximately 0.3 percent of the total number of votes in the Company. The allotment varied between 7,500 – 37,500 options per person. The Chief Executive Officer acquired 31,500 and the others in Group Management 135,000.

The options carry the right to the purchase of repurchased Class B shares between 16 September 2019 and 5 June 2020. The purchase price for shares on exercising options will correspond to 120 percent of the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 1 September 2016 and 14 September 2016. The premium for the call options will correspond to the market value of the call options as per an external independent valuation, in accordance with the Black & Scholes model. The measuring period for calculating the option premium will be based on the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s Class B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 8 September 2016 and 14 September 2016.

The strike price for the call options was set at SEK 159.00. The market value of the call options was set at SEK 11.80.

The costs of the scheme consist of the subsidy paid during September 2018 as detailed above and the social security fees payable on this subsidy. The total cost of the subsidy, including social security fees, has been estimated at approximately SEK 3.6 million after corporation tax. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company will receive on transfer of the call options. The employee benefits cost is reported on an accruals basis over the vesting period.

The Company is entitled to buy back call options from the holder if the holder does not wish to exercise all call options acquired. Options are to be acquired at a price that at any one time corresponds to the highest market value. Shares may not, however, be bought back during any such period when trading in the Company’s shares is forbidden. 

Scheme 2015/2019

The 2015 AGM resolved to approve an incentive scheme for senior management and a selected number of senior executives of the Addtech Group who are directly able to have an impact on the Group’s financial performance. The scheme consists of call options for shares repurchased by Addtech, where each call option carries the right to acquire a repurchased Class B share. Members of the Board of Directors have not had the right to purchase call options, with the exception of the CEO.

The call options are freely transferable as financial instruments. In order to encourage participation in the scheme, a subsidy will be paid corresponding to the premium paid for each call option. This subsidy will be paid two years following the AGM, providing that the option holder’s employment with the Group has not been terminated and that the call options have not been disposed of prior to this point. Scheme expenses consist of the subsidy plus social security costs. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company receives on transferring the call options, for which reason the scheme will not involve any net charge to the Company’s equity.

The allotment as resolved by the 2015 Annual General Meeting included 24 senior executives and a total of 350,000 call options, corresponding to 0.5 percent of the total number of shares and approximately 0.4 percent of the total number of votes in the Company. The allotment varied between 4,000 – 30,000 options per person. The Chief Executive Officer acquired 30,000 and the others in Group Management 150,000.

The options carry the right to the purchase of repurchased Class B shares between 17 September 2018 and 3 June 2019. The purchase price for shares on exercising options will correspond to 120 percent of the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 31 August 2015 and 11 September 2015. The premium for the call options will correspond to the market value of the call options as per an external independent valuation, in accordance with the Black & Scholes model. The measuring period for calculating the option premium will be based on the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s Class B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 7 September 2015 and 11 September 2015.

The strike price for the call options was set at SEK 154.50. The market value of the call options was set at SEK 10.20. According to terms resolved by the Annual General Meeting, the scheme will be recalculated following the Group's distribution of AddLife. The exercise price for the call options was established, after recalculation, at SEK 125.10, entitling the holder to 1.23 shares per option.

The costs of the scheme consist of the subsidy paid in 2017 including social security charges, which amount to approximately SEK 3.5 million after corporation tax. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company receives on transferring the call options. The personnel cost accrues the vesting period.

Scheme 2014/2018

The allotment as resolved by the 2014 Annual General Meeting for 2014 included 25 people and a total of 350,000 call options, corresponding to approximately 0.5 percent of the total number of shares and approximately 0.4 percent of the total number of votes in the Company. The allotment varied between 3,900 – 30,000 options per person. The Chief Executive Officer acquired 30,000 and the others in Group Management 140,000.

The options carry the right to the purchase of repurchased Class B shares between 17 September 2017 and 1 June 2018. The purchase price for shares on exercising options will correspond to 120 percent of the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 29 August 2014 and 11 September 2014. The premium for the call options will correspond to the market value of the call options as per an external independent valuation, in accordance with the Black & Scholes model. The measuring period for calculating the option premium will be based on the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s Class B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 5 September 2014 and 11 September 2014.

The strike price for the call options was set at SEK 116.70. The market value of the call options was set at SEK 6.40. According to terms resolved by the Annual General Meeting, the scheme will be recalculated following the Group’s distribution of AddLife. The exercise price for the call options was established, after recalculation, at SEK 125.10, entitling the holder to 1.23 shares per option.

The costs of the scheme consist of the subsidy paid in 2016 including social security charges, which amount to approximately SEK 3 million after corporation tax. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company receives on transferring the call options. The personnel cost accrues the vesting period.

Scheme 2013/2017

The allotment as resolved by the 2013 Annual General Meeting for 2013 included 25 senior executives for a total of 180,000 call options, corresponding to approximately 0.8 percent of the total number of shares and approximately 0.6 percent of the total number of votes in the Company. The allotment varied between 4,000 – 26,550 options per person. The Chief Executive Officer acquired 26,550 and the others in Group Management 89,000.

The options carry the right to the purchase of repurchased Class B shares between 19 September 2016 and 2 June 2017. The purchase price for shares on exercising options will correspond to 120 percent of the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 30 August and 12 September 2013. The premium for the call options will correspond to the market value of the call options as per an external independent valuation, in accordance with the Black & Scholes model. The measuring period for calculating the option premium will be based on the volume-weighted average of the price paid for the Company’s Class B shares on NASDAQ Stockholm between 6 September 2013 and 12 September 2013.

The exercise price for the call options was established at SEK 106.13. The market value of the call options was set at SEK 5.73. According to terms resolved by the Annual General Meeting, the scheme was recalculated after the Group’s distribution of AddLife. After recalculation, the exercise price for the call options amounts to SEK 85.90, entitling the holder to 3.7 shares per option.

The costs of the scheme consist of the subsidy paid in 2015 including social security charges, which totalled approximately SEK 3 million after corporation tax. The subsidy corresponds to the option premium that the Company receives on transferring the call options. The personnel cost accrues the vesting period.

In June 2016, 77,568 options were repurchased under current market conditions as of 13 June 2016, based on an independent external valuation using the Black & Scholes model. Between 1 September 2016 and 31 March 2017, 44,670 options were exercised, corresponding to 165,279 shares. Since the financial year-end, the remaining 57,762 options have been exercised, corresponding to 213,721 shares.

Board of Directors

The Board fees of SEK 1,880 thousand (1,880) set by the AGM are distributed, as per the AGM's decision, among those Board Directors who are not employed by the Parent Company.

Parent Company's CEO

Johan Sjö, Parent Company CEO, received a fixed salary of SEK 5,013 thousand (4,196) and SEK 1,734 thousand (2,097) in variable pay. Variable remuneration includes SEK 294 thousand regarding the year’s cost for a subsidy for participation in the Group’s incentive programme. Taxable benefits totalling SEK 94 thousand (92) are additional. From age 65, the CEO is covered by a defined contribution pension, the size of which depends on the outcome of pension insurance agreements. During 2016/2017, a total of SEK 1,600 thousand (1,350) in pension premiums, determined annually by the remuneration committee, were paid for the CEO. Variable salary is not pensionable income.

Variable remuneration based on Group earnings may be payable in an amount up to 30 percent of fixed salary. In addition, a further premium of 20 percent may be payable of the variable remuneration received used in acquisition of shares in Addtech AB.

The period of notice is of 12 months when the Company terminates the employment contract and six months when the CEO does so. In the case of termination on the initiative of the Company, the CEO is entitled to a severance payment equivalent to one year's salary in addition to salary during the period of notice. No severance package is payable if the employee terminates the employment contract.

Other members of Group management

Other members of Group management were paid a total of SEK 8,843 thousand (10,769) in fixed salaries and SEK 3,561 thousand (3,205) in variable remuneration. Variable remuneration includes SEK 930 thousand (572) regarding the year’s cost for a subsidy for participation in the Group’s incentive programme. This variable remuneration was expensed during the 2016/2017 financial year and was paid during 2017/2018. Taxable benefits totalling SEK 402 thousand (570) are additional. Persons in Group management are covered from age 65 by pension entitlements based on individual agreements. Existing pension schemes consist of defined contribution schemes, in which the pension amount depends on the outcome of pension insurance agreements, as well as defined benefit schemes. 

The cost of the defined benefit pensions and the defined contribution schemes is basically equivalent to the ITP plan (supplementary pension scheme for salaried employees).During 2016/2017, a total of SEK 2,553 thousand (2,934) in pension premiums was paid for the group 'Other members of Group management'.

Variable remuneration based on Group earnings may be payable in an amount up to 30 percent of fixed salary. In addition, a further premium of 20 percent may be payable of the variable remuneration received used in acquisition of shares in Addtech AB.

The period of notice is 12 months when the Company terminates the employment contract and six months when the employee does so. Severance pay is payable upon termination of employment equivalent to no more than one year's salary. No severance package is payable if the employee terminates the employment contract.

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Remuneration and other benefits 2016/2017 Basic salary/ Board fees Variable remuneration 1) Other benefits Pension costs Total
Chairman of the Board 0.5 0.5
Other members of the Board 1.4 1.4
Chief Executive Officer 5.0 1.7 0.2 1.6 8.5
Other members of Group management 2) 8.8 3.6 0.5 2.6 15.5
Total 15.7 5.3 0.7 4.2 25.9
1) Including remuneration to group management participating in incentive programmes.    
2) During the year, other members of Group Management consisted of five people, including one woman and four men.
Remuneration and other benefits 2015/2016 Basic salary/ Board fees Variable remuneration 1) Other benefits Pension costs Total
Chairman of the Board 0.5 0.5
Other members of the Board 1.4 1.4
Chief Executive Officer 4.2 2.1 0.1 1.4 7.8
Other members of Group management 2) 10.8 3.2 0.6 2.9 17.5
Total 16.9 5.3 0.7 4.3 27.2
1) Including remuneration to group management participating in incentive programmes.    
2) At the beginning of the year, other members of Group Management consisted of six people, including one woman and five men. At the end of the year, other members of Group Management consisted of five people, including one woman and four men.
Board fees, SEK ’000s       2016/2017 2015/2016
Name   Position Fee Fee
Anders Börjesson   Chairman of the Board 500 500
Tom Hedelius   Vice Chairman of the Board 380 380
Eva Elmstedt   Director 250 250
Ulf Mattsson   Director 250 250
Johan Sjö   Director
Lars Spongberg   Director 250
Malin Nordesjö   Director 250 250
Kenth Eriksson   Director 250
Total     1,880 1,880