Note 16 Leasing

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Operating leases Group Parent Company
Addtech as leasee 2016/2017 2015/2016 2016/2017 2015/2016
Lease payments        
Lease payments made during the financial year 196 104 5 4
of which variable payments 1 0
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable contracts fall due as follows:        
Within one year 93 93 5 2
Later than one year and within five years 188 151 8 5
Five years or later 19 21
Total 300 265 13 7
Significant operating leases primarily constitute rental contracts for premises in which the Group conducts business.

Addtech as lessor

At present there are no significant operating lease revenue in the Group.

Finance leases

At present there are no significant finance leases in the Group.